Search is the beginning of every journey you take. It is an extension of your mind, allowing you to navigate not just the internet, but your life.
The democratic vision we have for the future of search is a world in which AI amplifies our ability to help each other out. It's a world in which search allows you to reach out into the universe and achieve anything with the combine power of human and artificial intelligence. You can think of this as "I have an AI friend who knows a friend who can do that".
Google's autocratic vision of what a search engine should be is both outdated and evil. They want to organize information, not for you, but in support of their ad business. The AI you see today is in its infancy. Once the AI is fully matured, Google will be like a drunk T-Rex.

To facilitate a brighter future for the world, we're launching a new currency which rewards creators and experts. The currency is stable, easy to use, and available for purchase today.
Building a democratic search engine requires the entire search interface to be rethought, redesigned, and rebuilt, from the ground up.
For example, when you use Sirch, one thing you'll notice right away is the amount of human interaction that the platform offers. When you stash something (our fancy word for saving), it won't just be about the information, it'll also be about the people.

A good percentage of all queries are navigational in nature. They don't require a traditional results page at all. For those queries, we've designed a new kind of interface that allows you to navigate directly to the exact page that you desire. Like everything else on Sirch, it's powered by a combination of human and artificial intelligence.

At times, you want to view multiple results. Going back and forth to the search results page, or opening a bunch of new tabs every time you search, is suboptimal to say the least. Flipping socially solves this beautifully.

Sometimes, you want multiple perspectives. Well, here you have 'em.

And, at times, you'd like to share your very own thoughts, results, and questions. That's easy using Sirch, and quite impossible using Google.

When people search the web, they are in need.
Here are some pictures of people in need. Pretend that you had a magical genie that could solve any problem in the world. Imagine what a solution might look like for each of these people.
AI+Human intelligence is a magical genie, so this isn't a theoretical exercise - it's the core mission of a search engine.

Part of what ruined Google is incentives that are misaligned. Imagine a room full of product managers deciding on what to build. Undoubtably, some of them (they're smart!) come up with clever ideas for search. Then, there's one guy in the back (always a guy) who has this brilliant idea. "Maybe let's throw in three more ads above the organic results."
Some folks in the room think it's not the best user experience.
"Let's test it out."
The data comes back, and, viola - the ads remain, and year after year, the only signifigant change to the product is the amount of ads displayed above organic results. Sirch Coins solve this. To learn more about Sirch Coins, click here.
Search is the beginning of every journey you take. It is an extension of your mind, allowing you to navigate not just the internet, but your life.
The democratic vision we have for the future of search is a world in which AI amplifies our ability to help each other out. It's a world in which search allows you to reach out into the universe and achieve anything with the combine power of human and artificial intelligence. You can think of this as "I have an AI friend who knows a friend who can do that".
Google's autocratic vision of what a search engine should be is both outdated and evil. They want to organize information, not for you, but in support of their ad business. The AI you see today is in its infancy. Once the AI is fully matured, Google will be like a drunk T-Rex.

To facilitate a brighter future for the world, we're launching a new currency which rewards creators and experts. The currency is stable, easy to use, and available for purchase today.
Building a democratic search engine requires the entire search interface to be rethought, redesigned, and rebuilt, from the ground up.
For example, when you use Sirch, one thing you'll notice right away is the amount of human interaction that the platform offers. When you stash something (our fancy word for saving), it won't just be about the information, it'll also be about the people.

A good percentage of all queries are navigational in nature. They don't require a traditional results page at all. For those queries, we've designed a new kind of interface that allows you to navigate directly to the exact page that you desire. Like everything else on Sirch, it's powered by a combination of human and artificial intelligence.

At times, you want to view multiple results. Going back and forth to the search results page, or opening a bunch of new tabs every time you search, is suboptimal to say the least. Flipping socially solves this beautifully.

Sometimes, you want multiple perspectives. Well, here you have 'em.

And, at times, you'd like to share your very own thoughts, results, and questions. That's easy using Sirch, and quite impossible using Google.

When people search the web, they are in need.
Here are some pictures of people in need. Pretend that you had a magical genie that could solve any problem in the world. Imagine what a solution might look like for each of these people.
AI+Human intelligence is a magical genie, so this isn't a theoretical exercise - it's the core mission of a search engine.

Part of what ruined Google is incentives that are misaligned. Imagine a room full of product managers deciding on what to build. Undoubtably, some of them (they're smart!) come up with clever ideas for search. Then, there's one guy in the back (always a guy) who has this brilliant idea. "Maybe let's throw in three more ads above the organic results."
Some folks in the room think it's not the best user experience.
"Let's test it out."
The data comes back, and, viola - the ads remain, and year after year, the only signifigant change to the product is the amount of ads displayed above organic results. Sirch Coins solve this. To learn more about Sirch Coins, click here.
Search is the beginning of every journey you take. It is an extension of your mind, allowing you to navigate not just the internet, but your life.
The democratic vision we have for the future of search is a world in which AI amplifies our ability to help each other out. It's a world in which search allows you to reach out into the universe and achieve anything with the combine power of human and artificial intelligence. You can think of this as "I have an AI friend who knows a friend who can do that".
Google's autocratic vision of what a search engine should be is both outdated and evil. They want to organize information, not for you, but in support of their ad business. The AI you see today is in its infancy. Once the AI is fully matured, Google will be like a drunk T-Rex.

To facilitate a brighter future for the world, we're launching a new currency which rewards creators and experts. The currency is stable, easy to use, and available for purchase today.
Building a democratic search engine requires the entire search interface to be rethought, redesigned, and rebuilt, from the ground up.
For example, when you use Sirch, one thing you'll notice right away is the amount of human interaction that the platform offers. When you stash something (our fancy word for saving), it won't just be about the information, it'll also be about the people.

A good percentage of all queries are navigational in nature. They don't require a traditional results page at all. For those queries, we've designed a new kind of interface that allows you to navigate directly to the exact page that you desire. Like everything else on Sirch, it's powered by a combination of human and artificial intelligence.

At times, you want to view multiple results. Going back and forth to the search results page, or opening a bunch of new tabs every time you search, is suboptimal to say the least. Flipping socially solves this beautifully.

Sometimes, you want multiple perspectives. Well, here you have 'em.

And, at times, you'd like to share your very own thoughts, results, and questions. That's easy using Sirch, and quite impossible using Google.

When people search the web, they are in need.
Here are some pictures of people in need. Pretend that you had a magical genie that could solve any problem in the world. Imagine what a solution might look like for each of these people.
AI+Human intelligence is a magical genie, so this isn't a theoretical exercise - it's the core mission of a search engine.

Part of what ruined Google is incentives that are misaligned. Imagine a room full of product managers deciding on what to build. Undoubtably, some of them (they're smart!) come up with clever ideas for search. Then, there's one guy in the back (always a guy) who has this brilliant idea. "Maybe let's throw in three more ads above the organic results."
Some folks in the room think it's not the best user experience.
"Let's test it out."
The data comes back, and, viola - the ads remain, and year after year, the only signifigant change to the product is the amount of ads displayed above organic results. Sirch Coins solve this. To learn more about Sirch Coins, click here.